Ability to connect Azure container repositories



Lukas Kahwe Smith

2 years ago

Right now only AWS/GCP seem to be supported. Would be nice to have Azure integrated as well.

I would hope this would mean that I can more easily select the appropriate container image, rather than having to fetch it from azure.portal.com



Chris Hill

2 years ago

Massdriver does support Azure Container Registry. Can you provide more details on the capability you'd like to see added to the platform?


Lukas Kahwe Smith

2 years ago

As noted above I am hoping to get some sort if integrated search capabilities to find relevant docker images rather than having to type them out. It just appears that there is advanced support for AWS/GCP


Michael Lacore changed the status to Planned

2 years ago


Michael Lacore marked this post as a duplicate of Ability to connect Azure container repositories

2 years ago

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