Add cost estimate to Bundle ConfigurationIn ProgressIt would be great to see the estimated cost of the bundle based on the configured settings.4
Prometheus support in Kubernetes clustersCompletedPlease add prometheus support to Kubernetes clusters (EKS, GKE, AKS)1
K8s Application Pod Rollback to Previous ReplicaSetOpenIt would be useful if you can easily rollback an application to a previous ReplicaSet in case the latest deployment introduced an error in production. A dropdown in the UI that shows the latest 10 ReplicaSets (maybe with image tag and deployment date) would be easiest way to achieve that. 0
Datadog in KubernetesCompletedPlease add observability support for Datadog in kubernetes clusters (EKS, GKE, AKS)1
MongoDB Atlas database bundleCompletedPlease add a bundle for provisioning a MongoDB cluster in Atlas1
User Account 2FACompletedAdd 2FA support for user accounts as additional security layer. It would make sure critical infrastructure is protected and secured. 3
Notify if there is an updated container imageOpenMaybe this will require connecting the container repository (which isn't possible yet on Azure) but it would be nice to be notified of an updated container image in the UI.1
Easy app patch/deploy endpointCompletedI want to coordinate deployments with simple api calls (or cli). Primarily I will want to pass the new image tag, maaaaybe add/change an environment variable or something else, and deploy. curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' --data '{"tag": "foobar"}'
Ability to manage project level secrets/env varsOpenThere are certain secrets/envs vars that are needed across multiple services in a project. Also some variables are shared between feature branches/staging/prod. Ideally there would be some inheritance concept
SAML support to allow sign-in via AWS SSO.OpenOur organization uses AWS-SSO for SSO. It has uniquely great support for MFA via Yubikeys and Touch ID and thus allows our development team a simple secure way to authenticate.1
OpenSearch Logging support in Kubernetes ClustersCompletedPlease add OpenSearch logging support in Kubernetes clusters (EKS, GKE, AKS)0
AWS S3 Logging bundleCompletedPlease create an bundle for an S3 bucket specifically for storing logs1
Add Grafana support for k8s bundlesCompletedAdd the ability to deploy Grafana with k8s bundles and expose a dashboard endpoint that can be connected to0
Add support for publishing a pre-built imageOpenI've been testing my image builds before calling mass image push. However, mass image push rebuilds the image and does not appear to utilize the image cache when doing so. (Perhaps this is a separate issue when working with Docker Desktop on macOS?) This got me thinking that it would be nice if I could publish an image that I've already built locally.1
Azure Devops IntegrationCompletedHello! Would love to see an azure devops integration, similar to the one that currently exists with github actions1
Add preview.json export to canvasIn ProgressIt would be great if we could easily export a canvas to a preview.json file for the mass client mass preview, so that it's easier to spin up and down full environments.0
Export CanvasPlannedOne feature on the frontend side that would be cool is to have an export as pdf/svg feature for the canvas. Would be great to share and discuss with others and for documentations.0
MassDriver meets LocalStack OpenIt would be cool if you could deploy MassDriver as a container and test it with LocalStack. This would remove a lot of issues of cost and getting to grips with MassDriver. You could then test MassDriver against AWS Cloud on your local machine without any headaches and allow humans to gain faster understanding of the tool.0
Add force-redeploy flag for application deployCompletedMy deployment process is based on carrying an images on to environments (staging/qa -> production), for that matter we set our application's image tag on mass driver to "staging", however I noticed that mass application deploy does nothing if the bundle configuration didn´t change. Therefore I had to rely on aws cli to redeploy the new image tagged as 'staging' (aws ecs update-service --force-new-deployment)1
Can't remove downstream dependency after removing connectionOpenCreate an application bundle with a required connection to a DB Connect DB Deploy both DB and application bundle Redeploy application bundle after removing the DB connection You will notice on MD console, the connection is gone and the DB is independent but cannot be decommissioned. Must decommission application first before decommissioning DB even though there is no visible connection there.1
L40 GPUs for GKEOpenSupport for L40 GPUs for GKE. A100s are better suited for training. L40s for deploying inferencing clusters.1